The furniture made by the streaming method is boring and ordinary, the so -called consumer. The closet or table designed “under the old days” looks much more interesting. Following the advice of Italian masters, you can “greet” any piece of furniture for 150 years with the help of ordinary materials and devices, and the “remake” will become a work of art, which is not ashamed to demonstrate not only in a country house, but also in a city apartment.
Patination. The method is to “muffle” the upper layer of paint a little, and the bottom is slightly shown if 2 paints sequentially apply to the wooden surface, and the upper layer is applied after the lower divers completely dry out. Choosing a combination (for example, green-brown, brown-beige or white-gray-blue), the first paint is applied, all the depressions and cracks are especially carefully stained. This is the basis (for example, white). After drying, a second paint (gray-blue) is applied, which should also dry. The surfaces are thoroughly wiped (move vertically) with an iron brush with a very shallow bristle. In conclusion, the surface is covered with matte varnish.
Brushing. With this method, you can “greet” log or trimmed with lining “under a horizontal round” wall of the house. White paint is applied to the walls, slightly diluted with yellow. The paint with a sponge with a sponge is “blurred”, creating the impression of old slightly yellowish logs. On such logs, vegetation and watercolors of a “plant” nature look great, which are easily reproduced with the help of a directory about plants.
Ceramic tile lining. The old cutting table will look elegant and sunny if it lies its surface with yellow ceramic tiles of different shades, and the box and legs are designed by erosion of gray-blue paint.
Using such methods, you can decorate not only any furniture, but also the premises of a country house. Decorated in the same style “under the Italian antiquity”, they will look attractive and non -standard, distinguishing your country house among others with their individuality and unusualness.