Repair in a teenage room should be carried out with the determination of several factors. These include a significant wear of the finishes, the change of owners of the room, etc. D. In addition, as a child increases, repairs in the teenage room should be determined by the fact that the child becomes older with age, so he has other preferences in the design plan.
It is desirable that the entrance to the room is located near the entrance to the house, but before the entrance to the parents’ room, it was at some distance. When designing a room, it must be taken into account that with an increase in the child, its independence increases. And if he wants this, then he does not need to hinder in this. It is no secret that the youth design style may differ from the style of designing the whole house. But this is what should not cause the child to limit the child and spoil the relationship with him because.
But even after the design of the children’s room and due to the fact that the room in this regard has become more stringent and bright, no small importance in this regard should be of spaciousness. T. e. Parents will have to seriously think about the acquisition of built -in furniture, mezzanine and cabinets. But the main thing is that the repair in the teenage room should fully correspond to what preferences at the moment have the owner of this room. T. e. If a teenager is actively involved in sports, then there must be a horizontal bar or a Swedish wall in the room without fail. If he is fond of computers, then it is advisable for him to specifically install the desktop for PC and equip the correct lighting.
If such a room involves living a girl in it, then it is best for her to equip a dressing room or a place for storing cosmetic supplies. And also try to perform the general interior of the room in the corresponding colors.