From various households, you can get excellent organ-mineral fertilizers.
In one heap, peatfecks are composted, mixed with turf soil, dry leaf, sawdust and rapidly decaying waste. Such compost during twice shirting is kept in 6-8 months. Potato and tomato tops, spreads of weeds, chips, kitchen tanks and slop are folded into another pile. Their full decomposition occurs after 1-2 years.
You can annually lay one general compost. The site is being prepared by the fall. Its length is about 3-4 m, width of about 2 m, depth 20-30 cm. In late autumn, during the cleaning of the site, on the bottom of the layout, they put up to 50 cm tomato and potato tops, landfills and weeds from the garden and garden. The ground removed in the preparation of the site is poured on top.
In the spring of next year, the compost heap begins to grow rapidly: feces from a remote restroom, immediately sprinkled with peat, militias, kitchen, garden and garden waste all this as accumulated is transferred by peat, and two or three times in the summer are sprinkled with a layer of earth and sand (5- 8 cm).
When increasing the heap, you have to make a board 8-10 cm high from the turfs on its edge, which are laid down the grass. Late in the fall, compost is covered with a small layer of earth with sand. In the spring, as soon as a heap is shaking, it is shoveled, pouring with phosphorite flour at the rate of 20 kg per 1 g of compost.
In June, compost is a second time. At the same time, 10 kg of superphosphate is added per 1 ton of compost. When shoveled, dry compost is watered with water, and if there is the possibility of a dung slide. It is recommended to add chalk or ground limestone in an amount of 20-30 kg per 1 ton of compost.