Rational nutrition is the most important aspect of human health. Nutrition should be balanced and complete. 60-75% of the daily diet should be carbohydrates, which enter the body with vegetables, cereals, pasta, 10-15% of the diet – animal and plant proteins and 15-30% – fats.
It is very important that the diet is energetically balanced – that is, the body receives exactly as much energy and nutrients as it needs. If this balance is disturbed, weight gain or various diseases may occur.
Nutrition should be regular, in small portions and at least 4-5 times a day. Breakfast is a very important meal – it is mandatory! And the time interval between dinner and breakfast should not be more than 10 hours.
Physical activity (motor activity) is also one of the most important conditions for a healthy lifestyle. It helps to maintain a person’s weight in an optimal state. Unfortunately, given the growth of office and sedentary work, people have become less active. At first, this usually does not cause any concerns for a person, but in the future, chronic diseases may develop. That is why it is important to move REGULARLY and exercise.