Before you figure out the fact that such a device for compensation of reactive power, it is worthwhile to figure out what reactive power is. Miscellaneous industrial equipment produces reactive power along with active power, but unlike active energy, which can be used in other types of beneficial energy (thermal or mechanical), reactive power only creates an electromagnetic field. As a result: overheating of wires, overload and other negative consequences. It is important that in parallel with this, the reactive power “spoils” the quality of electricity and makes the plant pay more for its consumption.
Reactive power compensation devices can reduce the load on the transformers and, as a result, make them work longer and better. Reactive power compensation methods will also help reduce the load on the wires, and they will improve the quality of electricity. In general, if the company uses such devices, it significantly reduces its power supply costs.
An example of compensating devices compensating for the reactive power is condenser installations. They consist of capacitors and auxiliary equipment. The networks also install static capacitors (BSC) that can significantly reduce the technological losses of electricity. These devices are a set of capacitors inside steel supporting units.
Filter -compensating devices (FCU) are required for heavy engineering facilities and processing enterprises and industrial enterprises. It is also a variant of the capacitor installation, the main functions of which are compensating for reactive power and filtering harmonic distortions.
Power plants are mounted in special insulated block containers so that the equipment works well in any climatic conditions. Similar containers are a whole design, which is sheathed on all sides by steel sheets.