There are still situations in private houses when it is impossible to connect to city sewer networks. In this case, as one of the cheapest options for a sewage device, the device of a drain hole for wastewater and household waste is possible.
Today, such pits can be equipped with the latest technology and achievements of progress using and the device of special septic tanks, but we will talk about the old “Dedovo”, a method that is still widespread in rural areas. Firstly, you will need to dig a small pit in the ground, or simply a hole of the required size. The width and length of the pit are not of significant significance and often depend on specific local conditions and the materials used for the upper overlap device. It is desirable to do more depth. In any case, the larger the volume of the prepared pit, the longer you will not have to worry about the need to pump out accumulated waste. The walls of the pit must be covered with a brick or slag block (you can use products that are in use), but not continuous masonry, but leaving free windows between slag blocks or bricks for seeping waste fluids into the ground.