Creating an art object for a country house is a time-consuming process that cannot be documented or adopted, if a person has inspiration inside, then it will certainly manifest itself, regardless of the degree of acquaintance with this writing technique. The artist’s paintings were decorated with the houses of many famous people: Tutta Larsen, Dolphin, Yuri Shevchuk. The author could simply give many works, because he is insanely pleased to do it. Pictures that adorn a country house can carry the most different emotion. They can be sad, thoughtful, but the most valuable thing is that they are kind and bright, which is why the artist puts so much in his paintings, they have a lot of things encrypted and unprofitable. And in order to successfully “enter” the picture into the interior, you need not to choose design for them, but simply coincide with the paintings, t. e. If the energy invested in the picture help a person to live more harmoniously, then the work “came to the court”.It is very wonderful if children grow under the observation of paintings, they can touch them, look at when they want. This lesson develops fantasy, exacerbates worldview, forms special thinking. Moreover, this fact applies not only to children, but also by adults. The moment is interesting that Valerius sees his paintings either the black or golden color of the frame. The artist exhibited some paintings as part of the Lod project, which “lit up” in the Hermitage and other places. Famous St. Petersburg artists created one copy, painting it. Many such work moved to the houses to sufficiently wealthy people, and the received funds went to charitable goals: to orphanages and hospices.