It is known that the wrong installation of even the most branded windows reduces the expected effect to zero. And on the contrary, the correct installation of the cheapest window often gives very good results. Remember that if you independently install a metal -plastic window, then all responsibility for the quality of installation goes to you.
Your attention is offered the most common problems found in the installation of metal -plastic windows about which nothing is written anywhere. These tips are personal experience of the window installer with five years of work experience.
One of the first and global problems that the installer faces is the correct determination of what sizes will be plastic windows. This nuance is largely due to the fact that there is an old window in the opening and that it is unknown inside the frame. It is this situation that is a slow operation of the installation of metal -plastic windows. If the window is measured incorrectly, you have to look for a way out of a dead end.
Often, with an error in size, the window is simply impossible to insert into the alleged opening. Therefore, this entails the material costs of the company’s company. Remember that with independent measurement of the window, all responsibility, including material, fall on your shoulders.