Many people like to spend time at the house in open patio. But the air temperature is not always happy, especially evenings can be cool. Moreover, this applies not only to the autumn period or spring, but also of summer days, which in the evening can be very chilly. In such a situation, when you want to stay on the street longer and at the same time not to experience a cool discomfort, a street heater will come to the rescue. They can increase the ambient temperature by the whole by 15 degrees and thus create very comfortable conditions for spending time. There are different models of street heaters, and they work on electricity, on solid fuel or gas. You can also distinguish stationary devices and portable devices, they have different design features. The most popular today can be called portable heaters. These are reliable, convenient and very effective devices that delight with a stylish design. In appearance, many options are more like a street lamp, so their design will be able to perfectly complement the site near the house. When comparing street heaters with electric devices, they have differences in the profitable side due to fuel, mobility and power, as well as thanks to convenience in their maintenance. The principle of operation is based on infrared radiation, there is a system of emergency shutdown in most models. When the street heater is turned on, the gas comes from the cylinder to the burner and is ignited there. In this case, the burner grid is heated to a high temperature and radiates thermal waves, which are then reflected from the reflector. Since the reflector is at the top of the device, the waves are reflected down where a small heat cone is formed.