The bathroom should be clean and uncluttered. And since there is never enough storage space, every cabinet and drawer here is valuable real estate.
Designers offer several simple solutions that allow you to organize the space in this room so that it is beautiful and convenient.
How to beautifully arrange things in the cabinet under the sink? Collect small items in boxes and establish a hierarchy, according to which everything you use often will be in front.
Get rid of everything that has expired; cosmetics and other products that you use less than once a week; samples (if you need them when traveling, put them in a travel kit); unloved perfumes; rusty disposable razors (it is better to replace them with a reusable one); empty bottles of nail polish, soap ends, worn-out files and other unnecessary things.
Follow the “rule of two”: do not keep more than one spare package of your favorite conditioner or cream, and if possible, store it in a cabinet outside the bathroom.