Before planting seeds in the ground, they should be carefully prepared. It is no secret that all seeds differ in appearance and name, but the main thing is that they tease their biological properties, and therefore, methods of care and sowing. The main indicator of the quality of all seeds is their percentage of germination – the number of plants sprouted from seeds over a certain period of time in the presence of optimal conditions.
The initial training includes inspection of seeds. And if there are any damage or traces of mold on them, then it is better to refuse their use. To increase the germination of seeds, before the sowing, the seed store recommends them to process them – this will significantly improve the quality and amount of seedlings received.
The most famous, simple and widely used method of processing is soaking. To do this, the material is laid in a small container, and then, a moisture -free soft section of the fabric is placed in it, and put in a warm, darkened place, the air temperature in which is equal to 25, and even 30 degrees.
Heating is a second, relatively simple method, which also helps to increase the yield of seeds: zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, watermelons, melons. It is advisable to slightly warm such seeds before planting in an oven at a temperature of 40 or 60 degrees.
They resort to hardening in case of early sowing vegetables, when sowing flower heat -loving perennials or annuals directly into the soil. Before this, it is advisable to place the seeds in a wet warm place, wrap them in any moist fabric and put them on a warm battery. After the seeds swell them, they should be “hardened” – t. e. Spend in the cold for about twenty hours at zero temperature.