In order for the appearance of the structure to be more or less acceptable and convenient for further work, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to eliminate the shortcomings.
The mosaic today has been widely used in the decoration of the premises. Since the mosaic is very beautiful and reliable finishing material. If you want to buy high -quality mosaic in Kyiv, we advise you to follow the exile.
The first drawback can be considered the presence of seams at the joints of the drywall sheets. To seal such a defect, you need to go through a simple, but “wet” process, perhaps the only “wet” process throughout the structure of the structure.
The seal of such seams between the facing plates is mainly carried out using a reinforcing tape, but it is not necessary to use it. Next, it is necessary to apply a layer of putty on a gypsum basis to the places of the seams. If it is necessary to remove all the shortcomings at the junction of the panels with thickened edges, first put putty, then a reinforcing tape and then again a layer of putty. Material such as gypsum putty can be used to remove all defects on any surface of the drywall.
If you decide to close the seams between the sheets without a reinforcing tape, it is best to use the “unifloor” putty. It is very important to remember that in all materials used to process drywall sheets should contain gypsum.