Methods of obtaining “slippery” water have been developed. Scientists have found that the simplest water becomes slippery after the introduction of even a very small number of polymer -type connections into its composition. Their molecular weight (relative) reaches several million, in the macromolecules of which there are alternating oxygen atoms.
The principle of obtaining slippery water. By an American scientist by using polyox (–CH2-O-ch2–) or poly-ethylhenoxide as a microdistrict of this kind and this gave the simplest water quite amazing properties. The speed of the water current in comparison with ordinary water increased by almost 2.5 times. The cause of changes in this kind are, apparently, special points of interaction between water molecules with polymer additives. Thus, between the water molecules, the connections of hydrogen molecules arise, which are essentially associates, which are constructively long networks of macromolecules. The resulting macromolecules are thus oriented along the axis of the flow of water, which have a certain effect directly on the structure of the water. The result of this impact is a decrease in traditional turbulent swirls during water. In this case, a decrease in friction between the jets of the water flow occurs, thus, due to the smooth course of the fluid, its speed increases significantly.
However, despite all the advantages of the effects of polyox additives, they have one significant drawback: the effect obtained as a result of exposure is very short. In the CIS, a method of production of slippery water with a special addition, the action of which is a longer. And scientists applied the so -called linear polyacrylamide.
The main use of slippery water in those processes where the rapid water supply is required in significant quantities, for example, in the case of extinguishing fires. An interesting fact – slippery water also transfers its properties to objects moving through it. For example, a steel ball in slippery water falls in about 2…2.5 times faster than if this fall occurred in ordinary water. The “slippery” property can be successfully used in order to purify water, since the appearance of associates of water molecules under the influence of macromolecules of added polymer substances causes the destruction of hydrate shells that are located around the mud particles. This effect will allow us to operate treatment stations in a more economical mode. This makes water for these particles as if slippery, thus accelerate the process of falling mud particles in precipitate. Positive results were also obtained in the construction industry. In the process of kneading a solution of concrete based on slippery water: delaiming the solution does not occur, in addition, the faster pumping the mixture through pipelines becomes possible, the strength of concrete structures also increases.